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Flow Curve-प्रवाह वक्र

Draw a possible straight line through these graphical points
Flow Curve

Flow conditions

To determine the fluid boundary of the soil, the burns are depicted on the Y-axis and the blows required to fill the standard crack on a semi-logarithmic scale. Draw a possible straight line through these graphical points. This is called the flow curve (see Figure 2.5).

प्रवाह सूचकांक (Flow Index)

The slope index of the flow curve described above is drawn as the flow index for values ​​of burns between 10 imports and 100 strokes (see Figure 2.5). This shows the effect of changing the amount of water in the soil on the shear strength of the soil.

चीमड़पन सूचकांक (Toughness Index)

The ratio of plasticity index and flow index is called Toughness index. The shear strength of different soils at the plastic limit varies, some soils are hardened, some softness index shows the same properties of soil.

द्रव्य सूचकांक (Liquidity Index),

The ratio of the difference between the natural reservoir and the concentration range of the soil to the extent of the water index is called the mass index in percentage.
Natural Reservoir of Soil - Compensability Limit Compensability Index
The soil index tells only the Moisture conditions relative to its index limits, there is no use for its classification. It only tells in which part of its plastic range this soil sample has been taken.

सघनता सूचकांक (Consistency Index) I,

Field behavior of micro-particle saturated soils on natural water bodies can be known with the help of their density index. Its importance is same for micronutrient soils, which is the density index for macro soils. Density Index of a Soil Fluid Limit - Natural Strain WL -w Compensation Index If the density index of a soil is zero, it is at the fluid limit and if there is 1, then the solidity limit is greater than that of the soil. If negative, it means that the natural reservoir of the soil is more than its fluid limit, the behavior of the soil will be exactly like fluid. If I is more than one, it means that the soil is in a semi-solid state.

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